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Chiropractic Care in Keller

Decrease Pain, Stimulate Healing

If you’ve been frustrated by plantar fasciitis, shoulder pain that just won’t go away, rotator cuff tears, chronic ankle sprains, shins splints, and more, then this blog post is especially for you!

I’m happy to announce that Advocate Wellness has added a ShockWave device to our lineup of healing services!

What is ShockWave?

Basically, a jackhammer designed for humans to decrease pain and stimulate healing. It’s gentle enough, but boy does it get the job done!

It’s like a slow, powerful massage gun that reaches deep into the body and does primarily three things:

  1. ShockWave releases muscle tension. The device sends multiple impacts into the body that, combined with gentle pressure, causes the muscles to relax and lengthen, helping you with those aches and tight spots in your shoulders, calves, elbows, (and more!) that just won’t go away on their own.
  2. ShockWave stimulates blood flow. The pulsing impacts stimulate increased blood flow to the areas that have been chronically tight. Imagine that the foot or the shoulder or the ankle or the elbow that has been hurting you is trying to re-supply itself, but the “highways” that go to it are jammed. Lanes are closed. There are delays. Tightness keeps your body from healing properly. ShockWave releases that tightness and additionally helps pump blood into those areas that have been under-supplied.
  3. ShockWave triggers new healing cycles. The impacts are just powerful enough to cause what’s called micro trauma in the treatment areas. (I make sure to tone down the Shock Wave so that it’s at least fairly pleasant for people, so know that the doctor will listen to your feedback and make sure you’re taken care of.) Micro trauma causes the body to break out of the chronic pain cycle you’ve been stuck in. When the body senses the micro trauma, it switches gears into a short-term healing, instead of the long-term degeneration mode it’s been in. So no matter how long your elbow or your ankle or your neck, shoulder, hip, or other area has been bothering you, I can relax the area, stimulate blood flow, and flip the switch from degeneration to new healing.

How can ShockWave help you?

ShockWave allows me to help with many different complaints. Since a lot of Keller and Fort Worth residents deal with chronic injuries (and they’re not alone with that), I can help with the vast majority of them. With or without combination with our other services I’m seeing amazing results for patients.

Areas and complaints we treat and see great results for patients:

  • Neck pain and tightness, disc pain,
  • Shoulder pains, biceps tendons, rotator cuff tears
  • Elbows, particularly for golfers elbow and tennis elbow
  • Low back pain and tightness, disc pain
  • Knee Aches and pains
  • Chronic Ankle Sprains and Plantar Fasciitis

The 1-Treatment Challenge:

I am SO confident in our ShockWave effectiveness that I am offering the 1-treatment challenge… Come in for a consult with me and if I believe ShockWave can help, I will offer you a treatment. If it doesn’t change your condition, the treatment is free! If it helps, it’s just $52.


I put my money where my mouth is and I trust that you’ll find results at Advocate Wellness like you’ve never seen anywhere else.

For appointments, book online: https://advocatewellness.janeapp.com/#/staff_member/1/treatment/2

Call 817.308.4837 or email [email protected] with any questions.

Health and blessings,
