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Chiropractic Care

Clear goals and focused care. Specific chiropractic adjustments tailored to your level of pain or performance.

chiropractic care in keller tx

New Patient Special!

$99 Consultation and Exam

Includes: Consult and Exam, Orthopedic Screening, Neurological Screening, Muscular Exam, and Zone Evaluation

When do you need a chiropractor?

Back, Neck & Joint Pain

A chiropractic adjustment includes not only your back and neck but extremities as well.

Muscle Aches & Pain

Being out of alignment puts strain on your body. A spinal adjustment relieves that stress.

Decreased Mobility

Once your mobility is affected, it's hard to make an improvement without chiropractic treatment.

A Chiropractic Adjustment Makes You Feel Like New

Joint & Spinal Adjustments Prevent Pain

Bottom line, a joint in your spine or skeleton isn’t moving the way it’s supposed to. You may know exactly where it is or it may not be causing pain yet. You may be able to point to it and tell me, “It’s right there” or it may still be hiding. Here is why you should care that something isn’t moving correctly.

Chiropractic Reduces Inflammation, Stiffening, Dysfunction

If there’s something that is supposed to be moving in your body and doesn’t, the body stabilizes it first with inflammation (which will lead to pain and dysfunction), second with scar tissue (which leads to stiffening), and third with bone (this takes years). When the joint becomes inflamed, it inflames the nerve around it, causing muscle tightness and spasms.

keller chiropractor christian nelson

When the muscles are tight, they lock down the joint, when the joint is tight, it inflames.

Once your spine or joint is in that downward spiral, it’s hard to get it out by yourself.

Over time, if it isn’t hurting already, you’ll find that this restriction will start to affect your life. You’ll experience pain, soreness, a deep ache, tenderness, sensitivity, early degeneration, and it may even inflame the nerve and lead to numbness, tingling, and weakness and may impact the function of other organs that are innervated by those nerves! The kicker is, the pain from a restriction will only become noticeable when you’ve lost 40-60% of function in that joint area, so just because you’re not feeling anything now doesn’t mean everything is okay.


Getting a chiropractic adjustment is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Whether you want relief from pains you’re already feeling, you want to prevent “cricks”, pain, and stiffness, or you are looking to maximize your performance by removing these restrictions, you can be helped through a chiropractic adjustment. Getting one is easy!

make an appointment

Schedule a New Patient Exam with me. Take a moment to fill out your details so we can get started when you get here

share whats hurting

We'll spend a focused hour evaluating your pain and performance then provide that first relieving treatment

feel immedate relief

With a clear goal and my focused care, we can achieve magical results bring you relief from pain and improved mobility.

Myofascial Therapy Complements a Chiropractic Adjustment

advocate wellness keller chiropractic
myofacial therapy chiropractor keller texas

The chiropractic adjustment resets that downward spiral of tightening and inflammation and decreases the amount of stress on your system!

Supported by the myofascial therapy and laser therapy we offer, I can help the joint move the way it should, help the muscle NOT pull it back "out", and help the nerve inflammation calm down. When we intervene in each of the three areas of dysfunction the body can start healing, the pain will start to go away, you'll move further away from those symptoms you've been suffering from, you'll be able to perform better, and, most importantly, you'll get your life back!


See what others are saying about Dr. Nelson

I love being able to help my patients!


Chiropractic care tailored to your pain and mobility issues

Pain free living IS possible.

Avoid feeling resigned to and stressed by your pain and limitation and move towards pain-free adaptability!