A healing, no-BS relationship.

Dr. Christian Nelson

Imagine a magical relationship with your doctor – one where you felt heard, like the doctor was focusing on you, and where you noticed distinct results quickly.

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christian nelson keller chiropractor
keller chiro christian nelson

Chiropractic gave me my life back

When I was 9, I fell off of a top bunk onto my butt on a concrete floor. I ached for days and thought it was just bone bruise and that it would go away.

But it didn’t. 

I suffered from chronic pain for 6 years and just “got used to it”.

I couldn’t sit still for longer than 5 minutes and it started to affect my ability to participate in school and sports. My mom finally convinced me to go to the chiropractor (thanks, mom!).

That visit to the chiropractor changed my life forever.

He took time with me, he listened, did a thorough examination, then adjusted me and stretched out some of my tightest muscles. I felt so much relief I fell asleep in the 10 minute car ride home. When I came back for my follow up visit, my pain was 90% gone and I could run without my knees knocking! Chiropractic gave me my life back.

3 Easy Steps to Living a Pain-Free Life

Get your life back and kick pain in the butt.

make an appointment

Schedule a New Patient Exam with me. Take a moment to fill out your details so we can get started when you get here

share whats hurting

We'll spend a focused hour evaluating your pain and performance then provide that first relieving treatment

feel immedate relief

With a clear goal and my focused care, we can achieve magical results bring you relief from pain and improved mobility.

My Pain Led Me to a Life of Helping Others to Overcome Theirs

From that second appointment with my chiropractor, I decided at age 15 that I was going to be a chiropractor, too, so I could bless peoples’ lives like I had been blessed. It became an obsession and drove me through 12 years of school after that until I graduated with my doctorate and started into practice as soon as possible.

The most rewarding thing for me is watching the looks of relief and surprise on the faces of my patients when they get off the table and feel the pain they’ve been suffering from just melt away. It brings me pure joy and sets my heart on fire to help you and others. 

I know what it’s like to come from pain and dysfunction to the point now that I’m training for performance (I’m training for a Spartan Race Beast in October of 2021).

I am here to help you along each step of your journey that you’re ready to take. Allow me to help you get out of pain, prevent future disaster, or find that next level of performance! 


See what others are saying about Dr. Nelson

I love being able to help my patients!


Focused on getting you better

Pain free living IS possible.

There’s no reason NOT to get your life back. Armed with the truth of how your body works and heals, with a clear picture of what you want, and a no-nonsense approach to treatment we can help you reach your goals, whether that’s relief, prevention, or performance!